Ammar Industrial Corporation

033 4024 5010 / 2231 6239

Air Tank

Air Tank Essential to any compressed air system, the air tank serves as temporary storage and allows your system to perform more efficiently. Because of the immense pressure they contain and because of their importance to a system, they must be built to be...

Air Compressor

Air Compressor Air compressors have many uses, including supplying high-pressure clean air to fill gas cylinders, supplying moderate-pressure clean air to a submerged surface provided diver, giving moderate-pressure clean air for driving some office and school...

Air Dryer

Air Dryer An air dryer is a system or piece of equipment used to remove moisture present in the air, specifically compressed air. Ambient air typically has a relative humidity of around 30 to 50%. Compressing air packs higher quantities of moisture in a small volume....

Air Lubricator Unit

Air Lubricator Unit An air lubricator unit adds controlled quantities of oil into a compressed air system to reduce the friction of moving components. Most air tools, cylinders, valves, air motors, and other air-driven equipment require lubrication to extend their...

Air Filter Unit

Air Filter Unit A pneumatic air filter unit is a device that removes air contaminants from a compressed air stream. This can be done using several different techniques, from using a “media” type that traps particulates but allows air to pass through to a...

Mist Separator

Mist Separator Mist eliminators ensure clean, oil-free exhaust air. As particles are removed, what is left behind is clean uncontaminated air. A mist separator operates by using the coalescing effect inside a filtering unit. Once here, the fine oil droplets join with...